LActation Services
Breastfeeding Support
Those early newborn days are sacred, and breastfeeding your little one shouldn’t be painful or overly difficult. If you are struggling with issues such as a painful latch, low milk supply, or slow infant weight gain, consider meeting with Jess for a breastfeeding assessment. She would love to help you meet your breastfeeding goals.
Home visit consultations
During our home visit consultation Jess will help you get comfortable in your favorite spot and observe a breastfeeding session. While she observes she will help you troubleshoot baby’s latch and help you with positioning and weigh any if necessary. We will discuss your breastfeeding goals and find solutions to any issues you have. Together we will come up with a plan that works for you and your family. Each consultation includes follow up support.
To book a consultation, please fill out the intake form below.
Home visit consultation $150
i would love to help you in your breastfeeding journey
Please tell me a bit about your breastfeeding experience so I know how I can best support you.